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Sunday, June 03, 2007


"Single mothers are far more likely to raise fat or obese children than two parent families according to just released research from Australia".

It also claims that fat parents equals fat kids. This, when one looks around, is probably accurate as typically children look to the parent for guidance and what they see is what they do quite often.

I don't see, though, how simply being a single mother would have any effect and this might just be a case of statistics. Statistics are dangerous because they never consider variables - just the numbers.

But it's irrefutable that if the parent (or parents) is fat then the likelyhood is that the chidren will end up that way also. Evidence? Like I say - just look around.

Fat is the new tobacco!


mutters said...

I'm just remarking on the report, Missy. But it's clear that obesity cannot be ignored, either here in Oz where I witness it or in America where the truly obese reign.

It's a global concern. That's costs literally billions to economies.

Parents, ultimately, are to blame it has to be said, however there are often extenuating circumstances, such as time constraints and finances. And the fact that where I, and others in my day used to walk to school, nowdays parents are understandably frightened to let their kids out of their sight because of the increasing scourge of peadophiles.

The progress of man, Missy. It's a worry.

mutters said...

Then my work here is done! :))