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Friday, June 01, 2007


Pay attention to this for it contains a fundamental truth.

I have had many positions of employment (there's no such thing as a job for life these days). In each one I do all asked of me (as pertains to the position). And in virtually every one I have come up against an individual who...has ideas above his/her station. Invariably they will begin to impose their position unethically and unjustifiably on me. I respond with contempt usually. Move on.

Next. And so on and so on...

I consider myself equal of ANY a man; in fact, I consider myself superior to many. Let's use George Dubya as an example - an idiot if ever there was one yet he holds the position of leader the most powerful nation on earth (like a maniacal despot some would argue and witnessing his own personal war of attrition, 'some' may well have a point).

Yet I find myself constantly not only having to promote, but defend my individuality. I don't want to be part of your parochial sovereignity in which you rule and can treat your oh so appreciative subjects as you feel. And I refuse to allow you to treat me in such a way. I demand you treat me as your equal. I have earned it.

Isn't it enough that I carry out the duties of the position to the letter; that my own personal ethics far surpass yours and that I promote a professional and courteous image?

Must you constantly assert your power over me by issuing orders and treating me like I'm your lackey?
Say it isn't so...yet in my heart I know it is. And the burgeoning population also are beginning to realize, and they become restless.

This is what defines man as a species people - and you can take THAT to the bank! The desire to control our fellow man; to rise above the 'crud' to a point where he can manipulate and exploit for his own personal advancement (some even take satisfaction from the practice).

Poets and songwriters tell us in their melodies that love makes the world go round. It's not, though it quite obviously exists, no, contrary to current (hopeful) thinking, it's not love that makes the world go round - it's money. Money and sex! That's all. everything else is just...colouring. (Fear not though, I'll give love it's due blogspace in time).

Cynical? Possibly. Unrealistic. Never. This is what defines us; one can't rise to the top without suppressing others and he can't remain there unaffected by the corruption that so pervades such heights.

It's a bitter pill to realise this, I know, but in a way it is liberating. The point of life becomes clear when the fog lifts.


mutters said...

Pats Missy back. Missy hits the floor.
Oops - too hard again. Picks Missy up.

Money and sex make the world turn Mate - get used to it, I know its hard but there it is.

You're right re: bitchin/whinin however there is a pervading acceptance growing in the disillusioned populus which is disturbing.

But not from me!

Fuck you if you think for one second I'll stand by as you treat me whichever way you choose (the collective 'you').

Men? Aaargh! Men are weak! (Ripped that off)

mutters said...

Damn right, mate - an individual am I!

I'm perfectly humble - people just have a problem with straight talk - despite apparently espousing same.

mutters said...

Thank you thank you - I'm here all night! :)